The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

Myers-BriggsWe regularly use the assessment tool most commonly deployed in corporate settings, the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). The MBTI is based on the personality theory of Carl Jung, which defined 16 personality types comprised of preferences for styles of perception and judgement.

The MBTI provides participants with a common, widely recognized and understood vocabulary for expressing preferences. The Myers Briggs Type Indicator is a more complex tool than the SDI, and thus takes longer to present. Combining this tool with the hands-on exercises that Pcfl uniquely uses can more quickly illuminate different preferences in action.

MBTI is a valuable tool that can greatly assist teams of all sizes and diversity. Providing each team member with insight into their own preferences as well as their peers, can have an immediately positive effect on communication, relationships and results. We go beyond the traditional personality explanations and allow participants to experience a variety of personality types through active exercises.

Several PCFL consultants are certified in Myers Briggs Type Indicator and we have had great success delivering this assessment to people and teams who have not experienced MBTI before.