Facilitation Exchange October ~ December 2016

Facilitation Exchange hands in sandFacilitation Exchange is a community of practice for emerging and seasoned facilitators interested in deepening the impact of their work by drawing from collaborative inquiry and aesthetic processes. The intention of the Facilitation Exchange is to share and explore ideas and practices of group facilitation at the operational, design and strategic levels. The open sessions will focus the practical application of techniques for large and small groups.

Facilitation Exchange is a partnership of the Pacific Center for Leadership; Plan:NetLimited; and the Lougheed Leadership Institute at The Banff Centre.

All sessions are open invitations, will alternate between Banff and Calgary, and run from 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm. In our season potpourri we include:  colleagues sharing a facilitation tool, process or idea; a jam session focused on a topic picked out of the jar of suggestions as well as a round from those present to hear highlights from the front lines of facilitation.

October 19th 2016

6:30-9:00 pm The Banff Centre, Professional Development Centre, Room 104

Colin Funk: Facili-tainment: Leveraging engagement vs. effectual group process:

In this session we will explore how facilitation approach and style are currently evolving in the age of social media.  In particular, in what way is the viewing and consuming of social media changing expectations of participants involved in group facilitation process.

As facilitators, how conscious or non-conscious are we of an apparent shift from long-standing facilitation practices to a more hyper-exaggerated or comic state-of-being in order to feel that we have properly connected with our group or “audience.”

The session will also look at other cultural trends and modern workplace conditions that may be contributing to a greater interest and desire for Facili-tainment in contemporary training and development.  How does this impact the role of the facilitator and the expectations for measurable results at the end of a day?

Be sure not to miss – you are guaranteed to be Facili-tained!

 And - 

Exploring Embodied Inquiry – Movement-based Facilitation 

With Brian Woodward and Colin Funk Join us for an interactive demo of facilitating beyond words.   Building on earlier work developed at the Banff Centre Leadership Learning Lab we will be exploring further how movement-based facilitation (drawing upon contemporary dance forms, contact improv, physical tableau, gesture and simple movement) can enhance group process.


November 2, 2016

6:30- 9:00pm   Plan:Net Office:  Suite 201, 1225A Kensington Road, N.W. Calgary

“Selections from the Topics Jar”- In the survey we presented in August 2016, we asked for suggestions for our Facilitation Exchange evenings. The idea of selecting a topic and drawing from the knowledge of the collective was suggested by multiple respondents. For this evening, we’ve pulled the following topic from the “jar”:

Ways to record information from longer workshops: alternatives and enhancements to written reports

Come prepared to share and learn!


November 16, 2016

6:30- 9:00pm   The Banff Centre, Max Bell Building, Room 251

Trish Huston:     Mindful Work: Managing Stress through awareness and movement

Trish Huston, yoga and meditation teacher, is seeking constructive feedback on her presentation Mindful Work: Managing stress through awareness and movement. This interactive presentation will inform participants about the powerful research behind mindful practices, the benefits they can receive, and provide tangible takeaways to practice better focus in your workspace. Participants will feel empowered to reduce stress, increase energy and positivity, and become more efficient with their time. Trish is sharing this work with corporate and other audiences and is keen to partner with other facilitators to get her work exposed to more audiences.

November 30th, 2016

6:30- 9:00pm   Plan:Net Office:  Suite 201, 1225A Kensington Road, N.W. Calgary

Debbie Kocay: The Interview Matrix

Ever heard of the interview matrix?  The interview matrix is a powerful means for gathering valuable information and perspectives from a number of people in a relatively short period of time.  A real strength is that all members are engaged in the process with equal air time.  The interview matrix works best with a minimum of 12 to a maximum of 60 people.  To demonstrate the tool and give it the good critical analysis that benefits a Facilitation Exchange session, a minimum of at least 8 participants is necessary.  Plan to attend this one, as more people will enhance the success of the session.


To be put on our mailing list for updates and more information about Facilitation Exchange, please contact us.

Events of interest to the Facilitation Exchange Community:

Invitation to Movement-Based Inquiry*

Theatre Junction - The Studio, Calgary AB       December 2, 2016     7:00pm - 8:00pm

You are invited to a conversation exploring work in movement-based inquiry – sense-making with individuals & groups through movement. The intent is to engage interested people in using movement as a means of expressing and exploring story in a variety of settings. A brief background to this work so far will be presented and discussed.

If interest is sufficient we would like to explore the appetite for working together over a series of future sessions – to engage in a lab-like environment to further explore and develop this work together. The ultimate objective is to develop a set of facilitation processes for all those who engage in the lab.

For individuals who work with groups of people as facilitators, therapists, counsellors, theatre directors, choreographers, etc. who see inquiry into movement as a key element in their work.

If you are interested please RSVP to  Brian.woodward@shaw.ca.

* Colin Funk (facilitator, actor, theatre director) and Brian Woodward (facilitator, educator, group therapist) have been exploring this area for the past three years through their work at The Banff Centre, the Kalein Institute and elsewhere).